Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

My work as a graphic recorder / graphic facilitator

Meine Arbeit als Graphic Recorder / Graphic Facilitator einfach und übersichtlich erklärt.

My work explained in graphic recording / graphic facilitation style:

More to see at TOTALLY DARE / Graphic Recording

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015

Mein neuestes Live-Illustrations-Video in Graphic Recording Style / my latest live-drawing-video - graphic recording style

Für das AMS Wien durfte ich dieses Video illustrieren, um jungen Leuten die Vorteile einer Ausbildung näher zu bringen.

The Viennese job center asked me to do a video to show young people the advantages of staying in the education system.

Video: "unentdeckte Talente"

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015

Montag, 11. Mai 2015

"Schätze der Erde": Children's book about the most important treasures our planet has to offer.

YAY! this is our first childrens book coming out (Susanne Riha and me). For everyone to purchase in your favourite (german stocking) bookstore from September 2015.

Schätze der Erde

Samstag, 9. Mai 2015

Illustration Video … work in progress

I am working on an illustration video at the moment, where we try to reach teenagers to stay in education. Beautiful project! I willl (of course) post this video as soon as it's finished.

Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

70 years of European Forum Alpbach (Graphic Recording)

I had the pleasure to record the 70 years of European Forum Alpbach celebration at the M.A.K. (museum of applied arts) in Vienna on April 21st:

Die Presse printed a picture of me whilst drawing:

For further pictures of the celebration, please check out:

70 years of European Forum Alpbach Celebration

Eva Rudofsky at work

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

Bericht über illustria Aktivitäten auf der BuchWien 2014

In der Ersten Ausgabe der Mitteilungen von designaustria ist dieser wunderbare Artikel über unsere Aktivitäten auf der BuchWien 2014 erschienen:

Auch freue ich mich über die Abbildung einer meiner Live-Illustrationen für die Besucher des illustria-standes ...

Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Graphic Recording by Eva Rudofsky, TOTALLY DARE

Latest Graphic Recording for the famous clown doctors Red Noses International in Vienna:

This was the most enjoyable graphic recording project I have been working on for a loooong while. A room full of professional clowns, lovely people from all over the world who are trying to help the sick and suffering people with laughter.